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Deo Volente


Values for a new UK wide ecumenical, outreach group of singers and musicians

Are you a singer, musician or would like to get involved?

Violin and Music Sheet

Harker Grange,
Carlisle, Cumbria


Why the name ‘Deo Volente’?
After much prayer about the ‘name’ the phrase ‘Deo Volente’ seemed to resonate as it translates ‘God willing’ in Latin. This very much confirmed the vision of such a group being led by prayer (see below values) and operating when/where/which repertoire as God wills.


Further confirmation came with the realisation the phrase was used in the early 1900’s in personal letters, after the signature, was often found the initials ‘D.V’ (Deo Volente) signifying the authors intent that God willing, the message would reach it’s recipient safely and that the contents would be acted upon/come true!


Street Music
Choir Performance


One of the values of Deo Volente is creativity and we hope to include many original compositions. A separate but linked 'creative worship' group is likely to feed in new material for us to sing. Sing a new Song!

Register your Interest

Location availability for practice
In you would like to Volunteer please select your area(s) of interest:

Thanks for registering - we will be in touch Shortly!

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